خطای افزونهMy commerce
Exceptionsyntax error, unexpected end of file - Line 136
  1. <?php
  2. /**
  3.  * @Description : This section advances the shopping cart process
  4.  * @Author : Salar izadi
  5.  */
  6. final class MCE_Cart {
  7.     public string $table = "mce_cart";
  8.     /**
  9.      * @return void
  10.      * @throws Exception
  11.      */
  12.     public function init () {
  13.         $this->ipToMember();
  14.     }
  15.     /**
  16.      * @param array $where
  17.      * @return false|mixed
  18.      * @throws ReflectionException
  19.      * @throws Exception
  20.      */
  21.     public function get (array $where = []) {
  22.         global $ufo, $db;
  23.         $safe_where = [];
  24.         foreach ($db->columns($this->table, [], false) as $column) {
  25.             if (isset($where[$column]))
  26.                 $safe_where[$column] = $where[$column];
  27.         }
  28.         if (isset($safe_where["attributes"])) {
  29.             $attributes = $safe_where["attributes"];
  30.             unset($safe_where["attributes"]);
  31.         }
  32.         $member = $ufo->get_member()["uid"] ?? false;
  33.         $safe_where = $ufo->default([
  34.             ($member ? "mid" : "ip") => $member["uid"] ?? $ufo->viewer_ip()
  35.         ], $safe_where);
  36.         if (!empty($attributes)) {
  37.             if ($ufo->is_json($attributes)) {
  38.                 $safe_where['attributes'] = $attributes;
  39.             }
  40.         }
  41.         $rows = $db->get($this->table, $safe_where);
  42.         if (!isset($where["id"]) && !empty($attributes) && is_array($attributes)) {
  43.             $row = false;
  44.             foreach ($rows as &$item) {
  45.                 if ($ufo->is_json($item["attributes"], $item["attributes"])) {
  46.                     foreach ($attributes as $key => $property) {
  47.                         if (isset($item["attributes"][$key])) {
  48.                             if ($ufo->equal($item["attributes"][$key], $property)) {
  49.                                 $row = $item;
  50.                                 break 2;
  51.                             }
  52.                         }
  53.                     }
  54.                 }
  55.             }
  56.             $rows = $row;
  57.         }
  58.         return $rows[0] ?? $rows;
  59.     }
  60.     /**
  61.      * @param int|string $list
  62.      * @return array
  63.      * @throws Exception
  64.      */
  65.     public function list ($list = 0): array {
  66.         global $ufo, $db;
  67.         // Prevent printing of (exerts) or (works)
  68.         ob_start(); ob_clean();
  69.         $where = [
  70.             "list" => $list
  71.         ];
  72.         if ($ufo->check_login_member())
  73.             $where["mid"] = $ufo->get_member()["uid"];
  74.         else
  75.             $where["ip"] = $ufo->viewer_ip();
  76.         $products = new MCE_Products();
  77.         $rows     = $db->get("mce_cart", $where);
  78.         $carts    = [];
  79.         $count    = 0;
  80.         foreach ($rows as $k => &$item) {
  81.             $product = $products->get((int) $item["product"]);
  82.             $remove  = false;
  83.             $ufo->is_json($item["attributes"], $item["attributes"]);
  84.             $color = $item["attributes"]["color"] ?? 0;
  85.             if ($product) {
  86.                 if ($product["inventory"] > 0 || ($product["type"] == 1 && $product["inventory"] == -1)) {
  87.                     /** Get color */
  88.                     if ($color != 0) {
  89.                         foreach ($product["colors"] as $kc => $vc) {
  90.                             if ($color == $vc["id"]) {
  91.                                 if ($vc["inv"] < $item["count"])
  92.                                     $remove = true;
  93.                                 else {
  94.                                     $product["color"] = array_merge(
  95.                                         $vc, $products->get_color($vc["id"])
  96.                                     );
  97.                                     $product["inventory"] = $vc["inv"];
  98.                                 }
  99.                                 break;
  100.                             }
  101.                         }
  102.                     }
  103.                     /** Attributes **/
  104.                     $product["product_attrs"] = $product["attributes"];
  105.                     $product["attributes"] = $item["attributes"];
  106.                     $product["readable_attrs"] = [];
  107.                     foreach ($product["attributes"] as $key => &$attr) {